Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Early Puppy Training and the Benefits

As anyone who has shared their life with a dog will attest, little compares to the loving companionship they offer. Many people choose to invite a dog to join their family when it is a young pup as the expectation is that doing so is likely to bring you love, laughter and fun in endless ways. While this is certainly true, choosing a young pup over a more mature dog may also bring with it some added responsibilities and potential for frustrations.

For many, life with a new pup is far more daunting than they had expected as it is often filled with days and nights trying to entertain an energetic pup who responds to time left alone with barking and howling, nips in play, and is skilled at finding some of your most valuable objects to use as choose toys!

The easiest way to ensure you enjoy your pup as much as you had expected (and that you keep them as safe and happy as possible) is to consider training for you and your puppy as early as possible. Some consider training to be something you do when you are trying to resolve a behavior issue in an older dog. In fact, early intervention in the form of training is the best way to prevent predictable behavior problems that may become progressively more difficult to resolve as your dog matures.

When a pup leaves its canine family it is yearning to reattach to a new family (yours!) who will take care of them. This includes providing food, water, shelter, love and, of course, an education. Pups under the age of five months old are like sponges ready to absorb as much information about the world as they can. Early puppy training means you can ensure that they absorb all the information you deem necessary for them to become a wonderful canine companion. This includes (but is certainly not limited to): when and where to eliminate, what to chew, how to greet people, how to spend time alone, how to respond to your requests for him or her to come when called, sit, and lie down.

Unfortunately, far too many people regret to provide their pup with this early education. In far too many cases this dooms both pup and human family members to loads of unnecessary frustrations and doesn't bode well for the long-term canine-human relationship. Puppies will eliminate where most convenient (sometimes on your rugs), bark (to the detriment of your neighborly relations), chew (on your personal belongings), nip (as a way of playing with you as they would other pups), dig (because it's just plain fun), and jump (even if they have muddy paws). These are not behaviors your pup will just outgrow. In fact, the more they are practiced, the more they become habits which are progressively more difficult to resolve.

Behaviors which were possibly frustrating, but tolerable, in puppyhood often become unbearable as the pup moves into adolescence and adulthood. This results in a deterioration of the relationship and in far too many cases, in the dog being banished from the home for the simple fact that nobody taught him in puppyhood how to behave.

In addition to being a preventative for behavior problems, early puppy training is also a valuable way to bond with your pup. By teaching your pup where to eliminate you eliminate the chance that you might reprimand (and scare) your pup for going in the wrong spot. By teaching your pup to inhibit puppy mouthing and nipping you ensure that you and all your family members will enjoy playing with the pup...which means you will all benefit from more puppy play time! Likewise, by teaching your pup to walk nicely on leash, you increase the odds that your pup will have a lifetime filled with loads of fun walks which is a superb way to provide your dog with mental and physical exercise and prevent an almost endless list of behavior problems.

Many trainers offer puppy training classes in addition to private lessons. Both should be designed to help you learn to become a superb teacher for your pup; who focuses on preventing problems and/or resolving them quickly to prevent deeply rooted and difficult to resolve behavior issues in the future.

An added benefit of attending a puppy training class is that it is a terrific way to expose your pup to other puppies and to dog loving people outside of your home. This is a vital foundation for socialization. Puppies who are well on the road to proper socialization before 16 weeks of age are far less likely to suffer from the stress and potential behavior issues later in life that plague many under socialized adult dogs.

There is clearly an almost endless list of benefits of early puppy training. By taking the lead and learning how to properly teach and communicate with your puppy you are ensuring that your pup has the best chance to reach his or her potential as a wonderful canine companion. Puppies are ready, willing and able to learn loads of important information. By taking the lead and finding a great trainer to show you how to communicate with your puppy you are surely doing one of the kindest things you can for your puppy...ensuring that he or she becomes a wonderful canine member of your family for his or her entire life.

Online Dog Training and the Advantages

There are plenty of online dog training resources available, all designed to help you learn some effective dog training techniques. The best part about taking some online dog training instruction is that you can learn in your own time and at your own pace as your dog is ready for each new stage.

Online dog training can do far more than simply teach you how to teach your dog to be obedient. You'll also learn a lot about understanding dog psychology, which is the key to communicating properly with your four-legged friend.

Perhaps the most convenient aspect of using online dog training tips and resources is that you can refer to them whenever you need a quick reminder about a technique that your dog may have regressed with. After all, dogs sometimes get bored or get distracted and it's easy to forget specific tips you might have heard when you haven't needed to use them for a while. Using them as a refresher course for you can mean catching up quickly when you need it most.

Online manuals and resources can also be great in case you introduce a new puppy into the house. If you have an older dog already at home and you bring home a new puppy, you have to think about puppy training, but most people forget that the older dog may start to exhibit attention-getting behavior that will also need to be corrected at the same time.

There are many different types of online training resources available. It's possible to find a huge array of video lessons, e-books and tutorials as well as step-by-step instructions from professional dog trainers all over the world.

Some sites might offer training videos you can watch. These can be a great way to get an idea of the type of behavior you, as the trainer, need to adopt in order to get your dog to respond positively to your commands.

Always choose the training resource that suits the level of training your dog is at so you'll be in a better position to understand the best ways to communicate your training intentions to your dog so he's happy to do as you ask. Then you'll move gradually through the difficulty levels as your dog becomes more aware of what's expected of him.

Online dog training can mean giving you the freedom to choose when you have the time and energy to spend time training your dog, rather than sticking to a training schedule that might not suit your time table.

When you're choosing the right online dog training method or program for you, always be sure you choose a program that is presented or given by a qualified, professional dog training instructor so you can be sure you're getting the best possible advice for your dog's needs. You should also double-check the type of method you'll be taught, as not all instructors use the same methods.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some Dog Training Tips

As the name implies, Dog Training is simply a process of teaching a dog to perform certain actions in response to certain commands that the Dog is trained to understand.

The fact that some dogs are hard to train does not mean that something is wrong with them and most of these dogs usually exhibit some intelligence in their acts.

To enjoy training or grooming your dog, you need to understand them well. There are certain traits that can make your dog training job a tasking one but once you understand these traits in your dog, grooming your dog would be a lot easier.

These Traits are:
Dog intelligence is the ability of a dog to learn, think, and solve problems on their own. Intelligence dogs are usually hard to train due to the fact that they are smart and they mostly rely on their brain power to survive.

An independence dog usually wants to do things on his own and refuses to obey commands.

A dominant dog may stare, bark, growl, snap or even bite when you give him a command or ask him to give up a toy; He may also refuses to move out of your way when required.

The following tips would help you in grooming your Independence, Dominance and highly intelligent dog to what you want.
  1. Get your Dog's Undivided Attention: Training a dog requires a whole lot of patience, persistence and perseverance, what it means is that before you can succeed in training your dog effectively you have to keep trying no matter how hard it may seem at the beginning and do not give up on him easily. Also ensure that you have his full and undivided attention by pampering and giving him treats once in a while.
  2. Play with your dogs often: No matter how busy your schedules are, always create time to play with your dog especially the young ones and create a bond between both of you. It also helps in teaching them.
  3. Crate Training: Crates may be plastic (often called "flight kennels") or collapsible, metal pens for putting your dogs in check. Crate training your dog usually take some time and effort but can be highly useful. The use of crate allows you to limit the access of your new dog or puppy to the house until he learns all the house rules. A crate is also a safe way of transporting your dog in the car, as well as a way of taking him where he may not be welcome to run freely. If you properly train your dog to use the crate, he'll think of it as his safe place and will be happy to spend time there when needed.
  4. Don't hesitate to teach them how they can answer the call of nature when he is in a hurry and let him know that the right and correct place to answer such calls is outside and not inside as he's used to. This is possible if a proper grooming is carried out on your dog by you.

There are several other free tips on the ways to groom your dog the way you want so that they can be useful to you and guarantee you rest of mind. You can get some of these free tips in my user guide.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Benefits of High Fiber Dog Food

The benefits of high fiber dog food are far-reaching and it could be the solution to a number of health issues your dog is dealing with. If your dog is suffering from obesity, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, or a number of other medical conditions, keep reading to learn more about fiber-rich diets and how they can impact your pet.

While fiber is not one of the most discussed nutrients in pet food, nearly all dog foods contain some amounts of fiber. The fiber content of these products is provided by various grain-based ingredients including bran, rice, wheat, and corn. Brands advertising high fiber dog foods will feature higher amounts of these ingredients. Unfortunately, as fiber content increases, other key nutrients may suffer, so always consult your veterinarian to make sure a fiber-rich diet will be healthy for your dog.

The most common ailment that can be combated with high fiber dog food is obesity. Just like in humans, fiber adds "substance" to food without adding calories. Your dog will feel satisfied and stop eating earlier, but the indigestible fiber ingredients won't be converted to unhealthy fat by its body. High fiber diets can often be coupled with other weight loss programs to help your dog safely return to a normal weight. Additionally, as your dog processes the fibrous material in its digestive system, helpful bacteria are released which can fight off harmful bacteria and aid in colon health.

Also similarly to humans, dogs suffering from constipation can benefit from the addition of fiber to their diets. Undigested fiber adds bulk and mass to stool, which can literally "clean out the pipes" of your dog's digestive system. This bulking up of stool, as well as the ability of fiber-rich ingredients to absorb excess water in the digestive system, means that high fiber dog food is also a good option for dogs suffering from diarrhea.

Finally, diabetes mellitus is another condition that can be lessened by the incorporation of high fiber into your pet's daily routine. Studies have shown that a diet rich in fiber can regulate the intake of sugar into your dog's blood stream, leveling out spikes in their blood sugar level. Although insulin therapy is often still necessary for diabetic dogs, an increase in fiber can be a beneficial step toward managing the condition.

High fiber dog food may be an effective answer to the questions you have about your dog's health and medical conditions. As mentioned earlier, always consult your vet before making changes to your dog's diet to ensure that your pet stays healthy and active.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Homemade Dog Food Recipes

We have all heard or seen the horror stories of what is actually in the pet foods sold in the stores. If you want to be sure of what goes in your dog's food, the best thing to do is make it yourself. Although many experts would say that homemade diets are the best food option for your dog, it's still best if you get your veterinarian's advice first. Changes in your dog's diet must be done slowly to avoid upsetting their stomach. Ingredients or recipes must be rotated to guarantee nutritional variety.

Never give bones to your dogs, especially the cooked ones. Fragments have a tendency to get lodged in your pet's digestive tract. Other dangerous foods for dogs are large amounts of garlic, onions, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, mushrooms, avocados and chocolates.

Here are a few recipes which are guaranteed to make your dog happy.

Doggy Hamburger Helper
o Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp
o Carrots (baby food) - 1 jar
o Green beans (baby food) - 1 jar
o Oatmeal - 1/2 cup, plain, cooked
o 2 Eggs - boiled, chopped
o Hamburger meat - 1 cup, browned
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve in a room temperature. A dog mineral/multivitamin supplement can be added for a extra measure. Unused portions must be stored in a sealed container and refrigerated. Throw away any leftovers after 3 days.

Doggy Fish Meal
o Peanut butter - 1 tbsp
o Celery - 1 stick
o Carrot - 1 small
o Potato - 1 small
o Cornmeal - 3 tbsp
o 1 Egg -, beaten
o Salmon - 1 can, bones removed
Combine cornmeal, egg and salmon. Mix well. Form into medium-sized patties. Coat them using a bit more cornmeal. Fry both sides using a small amount of canola until brown. Chop the patties into small bite-sizes. Mix with boiled and chopped vegetables. For moisture, you can add one spoonful of cottage cheese, if desired. To finish off your dog's dinner, you can give peanut butter to serve as dessert.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

White Golden Retrievers Breed Profile

Not everyone seems to be aware that the Golden Retriever breeds in split into at least 2 subsets that differ in essential ways: American Retrievers and English Retrievers. Families that adore their Golden may not notice much difference between their very own pet and many others, however professional breeders and showmen see the differences readily.

English Retrievers go by a lot of names, including "White Golden Retrievers," a name that refers to their nearly white coats. English Retrievers also go by the names British Cream Golden Retrievers, Blonde Golden Retrievers, White Golden Retrievers, and Platinum Retrievers, and English Cream Retrievers. The coloring of American Golden Retrievers, however, might be pale yellow all the way up to dark mahogany.

The fur of The White Retriever is shorter and not dark, and their bodies are stockier and more square shaped. They also have square faces and noses that are more block-formed and a bit shorter. The White Golden have been bred to withstand the wet, cold climate of the English countryside and were used as hunting dogs.

The short coats of White Retrievers require much less maintenance and grooming than the longer coats on American Retrievers. The American Golden has glamorous coats which are showy but high maintenance. The American Golden has so much hair that it might become impractical. When an American Golden-Retriever gets wet, it stays wet longer than a White Retriever, since the White Retriever can shake the water off quickly.
White Retrievers might be told apart from American Retrievers in other ways. The eyes on A White Goldie are a bit darker, and the ears are set just above the eyes, which is unique. The White Goldie have a different facial express due to the slightly different way their eyes and ears are positioned and the difference in eye color.

White Retrievers and American Retrievers both have friendly dispositions that make them perfect for families. White Goldie is active, happy, eager to please, and loving. White Goldens are perfect with children and are popular for use as companions to the handicapped, however they don't adapt well to households where they must be alone much of the day.

White Goldies love to be outside and adapt nicely to country and suburban households or to owners who like to be outdoors themselves. They love to be taken along on hunting journeys and make great sporting dogs. The White Golden are quick learners so getting them through obedience training, which is advisable, is a snap.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog Breed Information

Description: The Pembroke Welsh corgi is a stocky dog with short legs, which gives it the look of a large dog but is, in fact, obviously a small dog. They would normally have their dew claws removed. They are often born with no tail and it is popular to have the tail docked on pets that are born with a tail. Be aware though that tail docking is against the law in a variety of European countries, where docking can only be done if there is a health risk to the dog, or if such a severe injury has been received that removing the tail is the only option. They have a double coat the coarse outer layer and weather resistant softer undercoat. They are similar in appearance to the Cardigan Welsh corgi, the most obvious difference being, the Cardigan corgi has a tail and a slightly longer body.

History. The Pembroke was originally bred from the Cardigan Corgi. It is thought that the Pembroke terriers' ancestors were taken to the British Isles, by the Flemish, in the 12th century, the Cardigan and the Pembroke share a history of several centuries. Corgis were originally bred as herding dogs, they were used to herd cattle, horses, etc., and they achieved this by running round the animals and nipping at their ankles. In 1934 it was decided that the two breeds were too different and from that point they have been classified as two separate breeds. The Pembroke Welsh corgi is also a favorite of the English Queen, and have been royal pets for over 70 years.

Temperament. The Pembroke Welsh corgi is a loyal and hard-working dog. They are commonly easy to train and are considered very clever, ranking number 11 of the smartest dog breeds in the world. They are very alert, and made good watchdogs as they react to unusual things with their customary bark.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dog Car Seats for Animal Lover

If you are an animal lover, chances are that you like taking your pets out for a ride. However, taking them out for a ride in your car can have its consequences. A lot of car accidents have been caused by having pets play around in the car while the driver was at the wheel. Having your pets roam around in your car is not a very good idea not only because they will cause damage to the inside of your car but also because they can cause a car accident. This is why it is very important to have a dog car seat for your puppy. There are many types of car seats available in the market but some of the best ones are the ones that will keep your dog safe and secure while you drive.

Some of these puppy seats are known as booster seats because they allow your dog to have a good view out the window. In other words, they connect to the passenger seat and boost your dog up. The great thing about these booster seats is that they are padded on the inside to keep your dog comfortable. Most of them are also washable so you can just stick them in the washing machine incase your dog has an accident in them.

How Much Does a Dog Car Seat Cost?
The price of a puppy seat can vary and it also depends on where you buy it. Some of these seats look very elegant therefore you can expect to pay more but some of them are pretty simple and still get the job done. The material of the fabric is also something that will bring the price up or down. If you stick to a simple puppy vehicle seat then you can expect to save a lot of money.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Multimedia Dog Training Courses, an Alternative Way to Train Your Dog

With the use of obedience training, dog owners can teach their old dogs new tricks. There are dog training courses available via kennels, pet stores, self-study, and online. Owners of different types of dogs will prefer different course formats. The goal is to have a well-trained pet, free of any troubling behavior problems.

Canine obedience classes can be expensive and many are offered during times inconvenient to the owner. Online courses are nice, but unless the dog owner has a laptop, it will be difficult to take the computer outside for some of the training. Many users prefer a training program that uses a more multimedia approach. The program usually includes a book, video, and online consultations with fellow dog owners and professional trainers. Training can be done at the owner's leisure and repeated as necessary without incurring additional cost.

Good multimedia training programs should include a video that illustrates real-life examples of effective training techniques. This will allow the dog owner to see the lesson in action. The book that accompanies the video should provide instruction regarding how the most common dog behavior problems can be resolved. The consultations with the professionals and other dog owners take place via online forums.

Many frustrated dog owners turn to these programs for issues such as food aggression, biting, fighting, barking, housetraining issues, and pulling on the leash when walking. Special techniques such as dog whispering (yes, there is such a thing), how to handle multiple dogs or a dog and cat in the family, and barking while in public. Dog owners will even be able to train Rover to sit, stay, come, shake, rollover, and more.

Good training does not involve punishing the dog whenever it does not listen. The key is to make the dog understand the message that the owner is communicating. It is also vital that this be accomplished in a short period in order to maximize the efficiency of the training. In addition, any reputable training program will offer some form of guarantee in order to ensure satisfaction.

When considering dog training courses, explore programs that incorporate multimedia methods. This will allow the training to take place at a time convenient to the owner and in the comfort of the dog's home. Owner and dog will develop an even stronger relationship during the training process, and the formerly naughty pooch will become the pride and joy of the family.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Best Dog Food for Your Dog

So, just what exactly do you feed your very best friend? Your pet is loyal, trusting, loving and truly depends on you to provide the very best you can in terms of care, attention and of course feeding so how exactly do you decide on what is the best dog food to use? If you are rearing your dog from puppyhood then obviously feeding habits used at this time will set the scene through to adulthood so it is imperative that a little more time is taken when deciding on which diet your dog will follow.

The starting point is of course the age, size and breed of your dog as individual types may require specialized foods and supplements; if your animal is perhaps a working dog the diet therefore needs to be one of sustenance to maintain this kind of lifestyle. Also take into account the way you live your life and what feeding program will be convenient for you in the long run as the last thing you want to do is chop and change with the type of dog food you are using - dogs thrive well on routine and it is unwise to use too many different types as this will eventually impact upon the animal's digestive system.

If you are planning to use a dry dog food mix try and source out an established local supplier who can offer you all the advice you need on the portion sizes, flavors and textures as well as any vitamin supplementation which may be necessary to ensure that the diet is a complete one and does not lack the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are essential to maintain good health. It is important to remember that an overweight dog is an unhealthy dog and usually an unhappy dog as well if it cannot maintain activity and exercise, so never overcompensate by giving too many extra treats in place of attention and daily walks. If you are planning a 'change-over' to a different type of diet this should be done very gradually and in proportion with the original feed, it is never a case of offering a new food and leaving it out until it is finished - it should be removed and replaced with the usual meal as the dog should not be made to go hungry and the new regime can be set in place even more gradually until the new food is accepted.

The best dog food diet is still a combination of meat and fish together with a selection of vegetables as this feeding plan addresses all the different requirements and should contain all the essential amino acids, vitamins, fiber and minerals. No matter what type of food you choose be it dried, canned or fresh there is a very good chance you will have to use some form of supplements and these can easily be given in tablet form which really is a small price to pay to ensure that the dog remains healthy and this will also help to avoid any unnecessary illnesses in the future so you really owe it to yourself and your animal to pay particular attention in setting up a good and nutritious feeding plan.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

How to Train Your Chihuahua

It is beneficial to start your dog off by teaching proper obedience through Chihuahua training. You should know that just because your dog lives a life of liberation does not actually mean that your dog is incapable of learning. Training seems to be more beneficial when preformed at home instead of at a school.

What a lot of people do not realize is that those classes are more helpful when it comes to teaching bigger dogs that are out of control. Schools are more used to force teach bigger dogs into being calm. These programs are not beneficial for Chihuahua Training. You are better off if your Chihuahua Training on your own and in your own home using an at home chihuahua training program that promotes positive and not forceful training.

Those out dated techniques use force-training which can be impractical and do more damage than good. This is bad entertainment for your dog and will negatively affect the dog. Your dog will respond better with positive guidance methods. Be sure not to force your dog into pleasing you. This should be a positive experience for the two of you. A bonding experience, not a forceful one since they desire to please you. They only need you to teach them what pleases you. Negative discipline does not work! They rarely even need anything but light correction.

Emphasize positive chihuahua training by rewarding the dog with lots of treats and complements. Lessons work better when the dog is not full, otherwise he will not be food motivated when training, in that case you could also use a toy to motivate your dog. Remember to keep lessons brief. Try not to train your dog for longer than 5 or so minutes a day on a single trick

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When Your Dog is Getting Old

Signs my dog is getting older is sad and difficult but fortunately it is a slow process. The slow process allows a person time to understand that the years have passed and you need to enjoy each other for the remaining unknown time you have together.

As you sit in your easy chair petting your dog, one is mindful of all the funny antics that your puppy once did, all of the good time memories during family occasions, and all of the fun from everyday simple things that your dog does about the house.

Yes, our wonderful dog is getting older. These are the signs my old cocker spaniel is getting old and as you read and think about these signs they may also apply to your pet.

  1. Hair color is changing. More white or grey is appearing in its coat.
  2. The coat does not feel as soft as it once was.
  3. Hair curls are flattening into straighter strands.
  4. Some of the individual hair strands feel dry and loosing their luster.
  5. When you look at his face he looks older and the eye expressions appear tired.
  6. The eyes are taking on a blue tint indicating cataracts are beginning.
  7. He catnaps more often and sleeps for longer periods of time.
  8. He is not as energetic, therefore, moves slower.
  9. He walks more than he runs. He takes shorter walks.
  10. He has difficulty jumping into his favorite chair.
  11. He does not seem to be as curious, perhaps this is because he is more mature or...
  12. He seems more comfortable and happy with the world about him and accepts it.
  13. He does not like sudden changes, prefers his routine and can be stubborn.
  14. He is usually friendly, but occasionally cranky and lacks patience with children.
  15. He is slowly loosing his hearing.
  16. Skin allergies and weight problems are developing which indicates a change of diet.
  17. Visiting the vet has you hearing news of heart murmurs and circulation problems.
  18. You need to watch their water intake. If there is a change it may be an indicator for diseases like diabetes mellitus or kidney problems.
  19. Do you have a female dog? The vet says they have a tendency to be incontinent as they age.
  20. His legs are beginning to bow and he stands with a wider leg stance. Did you know that human beings do the same thing? The wider stance is for better balance.

A dog getting older is similar to our passage into the autumn years of our lives. We can still enjoy life to its fullest. We just have to move slower and experience occasional pains here and there. These irritations are warning signals to slow down and smell the roses.

We do not like seeing our best friend entering the older years of their lives, but you need to remember how much love, joy, and richness they bring into our lives and they deserve the same from us.

How to Construct Wooden Dog House

Wooden dog houses are among some of the most popular types of houses that are available. Perhaps one of the reasons why this is the case, is because they are the easiest for the common homeowner or do-it-yourselfer to build. There may be times, however, whenever you would like to build a large wooden house that is quite luxurious and perhaps contains a number of different options that make it more like a regular house than a house for a dog. Here are some things to keep in mind whenever building wooden dog houses such as this.

One of the first things to consider is whether you're going to be drawing up the plans yourself or if you are going to be purchasing one of the kits that are available. Many people will choose one of these kits, simply because it has everything that you will need in order to get the job done. The only thing that it does take out of the equation, unfortunately, is that you do not have as much leeway as far as being creative with the building project. If you were to add something such as stairs or perhaps a wooden dog house balcony, you would need to design this into the kit and then add the materials necessary in order to do it.

That is why it is a much better idea for you to build wooden houses and to plan them from the start on your own. It does not need to have some great architectural drawings in order for it to be exactly what you need it to be. Just a rough idea of the sizes, perhaps even drawn to scale so that you are able to see on paper how much room is going to be available for the pet inside. If you're adding luxury items to the inside or outside of the dog house, these should also be included on the plans and you should make room for them whenever purchasing the items in advance for the house.

A large wooden dog house is something that is probably going to be more beneficial to you as the builder that it is going to be to the dog. The unfortunate reality about these larger houses is the fact that most animals won't really spend much of their time in any more than a small portion of the house. They won't enjoy the inside and outside features that are available, but that doesn't mean that there is anything wrong with you enjoying building them.

You might even find that there is a market for these wooden dog house in your area, especially if you are able to do an excellent job on building one for yourself. A large wooden dog house is going to be in demand, and although there are always going to be freebies that are available, these will not stand against the customized jobs that you may be able to do. You might just find that you are building these houses for many dogs, not just your own.

Monday, April 12, 2010

How to Stop Your Dogs Chew on Your Furniture

Can you get your dog to stop chewing on your furniture? Yes you can. Understanding the things that contribute to this behavior will make things much easier for you. Eliminate these things first and it will make the training part much easier.

Keep Your Dog Active
Nearly all dogs were originally bred for some type of work. Boredom and too little daily exercise is a big contributor to destructive behavior. Like chewing on your furniture. If you can give your dog just 10 minutes of exercise before you go to work in the morning you would be surprised how much this would help. Not only would your dog get rid of some energy, it will provide you with some bonding time with your dog, and help her feel more secure. Secure dogs are less destructive. Less destructive dogs are much easier to train as well.
I would also recommend purchasing several different active toys for your dog. These type of toys develop a dog's intelligence and puzzle solving skills. They replace boredom with fun and treats. 

Don't Leave Crumbs for Your Dog
In the age of television it's not uncommon for the dinner table to be replaced with the couch. There are always accidents, small spills and splatters, and crumbs that can end up on the furniture. Keep a napkin handy and cleanup crumbs quickly before the odor gets into the furniture. Be sure to use soap and water to clean up any spills or dribbles especially on the coffee table or anything made of wood.

Redirect Your Dogs Chewing
Keep plenty of her favorite chewing toys handy at all times. When she starts to go for your furniture call her name and tell her no. Then offer her one of her favorite chewing toys. When she takes it from you, be sure to praise her. She will soon learn what she's allowed to chew on, and what not to chew on. During the day when you're not home, until you get her trained, its best to keep her in a confined area where she doesn't have access to your furniture.

I have shared with you a few basic ideas to help you with your dogs chewing behavior. You will need to discover other tips and advice before you find what works best for you and your dog.

The Most Important Points in Dog Training

If you are trying to train a dog then chances are you are looking all over for dog training secrets that will make your job easier. There are many dog training secrets out there, but none will be as helpful as what you are about to learn. There is one fundamental truth of dog training. That is that dog training is all about communication. Without the right communication you will never get your dog trained.

Communication in training is all about sending the right message to the dog so the dog understands what behavior he should do. There are two basic ways you can go about communicating your message to your dog. You can use positive reinforcement or correction.

Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is when you praise or reward your dog when he does what it is that you want him to do. Positive reinforcement includes things like giving your dog a treat when he performs the correct action or offering him praise when he performs correctly.

Positive reinforcement is all about teaching your dog that if he does what it is that he is supposed to do that good things will happen to him. He will start to want to do the requested actions because he has learned doing so gets him a reward.

Positive reinforcement is the recommended method of communication to use during training and considered one of the top dog training secrets. This is because a dog will usually respond much better to positive things than negative things. Many dog breeds will only learn through positive reinforcement because it is in their natural to rebel against or ignore negative things. In some cases using negative methods in training will make the dog afraid to try to learn at all for fear he will make a mistake and get in trouble.

The correction method of training is not about punishment. It is about showing the dog the correct thing to do when he does something wrong. It is all about redirecting. For example, if the dog does not come when called, the trainer would use the leash to urge the dog to come while saying the command. This is one of the dog training secrets that many people may not even know about before they start researching training.

Showing the dog how to do things correctly lets the dog know what is expected of him. This can be quite helpful, especially with a dog that is a slower learner or who is having a difficult time understanding what is expected. Extremely high strung or hyper dogs can benefit from this method simply because it makes them focus on the task at hand.

The Key to Effectiveness
No matter what method of communication you use in your dog training you will want to know the top dog training secrets keys to making your communication efforts effective. This is consistency.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Give Proper Nutrition to Your Dog

Man's best friend, the dog. Lovable and playful and if you are not careful it will eat you out of house and home. Yes, this animal loves nothing better than to find something to chew on. This may not sound like a big problem, but some of the foods that we take for granted can actually be very fatal.

Everybody's favourite sweet treat, the chocolate, looks good and tastes good, but baking chocolate and dark chocolate could have especially serious implications if they were to be eaten by some dogs.

There are certain chemicals inside Onions that can be fatal; this is because the chemicals can turn into a poison once it enters the animal's digestive system.

If you walk in the fields regularly with your dog then you may want to know that mushrooms can be fatal to some of them, and also in the same way garlic can be fatal. The effect of this spice in this animal can prove fatal and is very quick reacting.

Most dogs can eat food that contains seeds with just a little discomfort, but apple seeds unfortunately can prove fatal.

Another thing that can have serious repercussions if your pet gets hold of them is poultry bones. Normal bones are good for them to chew on but poultry bones are a different matter altogether. These shatter quite easily and leave very sharp points protruding out. If these should become trapped inside a dog's stomach or Intestine the consequences do not bear thinking about.

Dogs are not a canine version of a garbage can, even though they do eat almost anything. Do not leave food out for your pet or anybody else's to find; keep temptation out of their way.

Even an innocent piece of food lying around could be enough to kill either your pet or somebody else's. Just a little care and you could stop an innocent creature from losing its life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tips to Fulfill Your Dog Nutrition

There are four things you need to ask yourself BEFORE feeding your dog.

1. What size is your dog? Small, medium or large
The size of Fido determines the amount of food to feed him. The pet food bag will list an approximate amount to feed a certain size dog but it's only a guide. There is no way a pet food company can list every dog breed on their label. Not to mention every size! Just realize these guides aren't specifically for YOUR dog. It isn't rocket science. If he's gaining weight feed him less. If he's a little thin, feed him more. Do not go by what your neighbor feeds HIS dog!

2. What kind of daily activity do you give Fido?
Do you take your dog out for walks every day? (I hope you are if you want him to live a long life) If you have a high energy dog he will need a diet to support his energy levels. Working dogs are a great example of this. They have very active days and need more calories than a pet that just walks half an hour a day.

3. How old is your dog?
Nutritional needs depend on his/her stage of life plus their size. For example, a puppy will need a high protein, high calorie diet because he's growing. An adult needs a balance of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. A Senior will need specific food products with just a little extra additives and immune boosters to help with their joints, their bones and their muscles.

4. Does he/she have any health conditions?
If your dog has any kind of health condition, it will definitely change his nutritional needs. Your vet can help you with this. They can make sure your pet doesn't get too much protein for a kidney condition, or too many carbs for being extremely overweight, etc. Your Vet will check over your dog first to make sure he is getting what his body needs.

You are just asking for trouble if you don't ask these questions. You could be over feeding your beloved canine and at the same time wondering why on earth he is gaining weight when you're feeding exactly what the label says to feed him.

There are many dog owners that just don't care. Please don't be one of them. By not caring and giving your dog nothing but table scraps, you could be poisoning him. They can get sick, become lethargic, have a lack in energy, etc. If you are going to feed Fido human food, you MUST feed him properly and actually make his food for him just the same as you do your family, but you must know WHICH human foods are dangerous to your dog.

Always remember that no two dogs are exactly the same. Regardless of what his special needs are there is a dog food that fits him. Your job is to find it. Just make sure if you buy from a dog food company that it is nothing but PREMIUM dog food. No by-products, additives or coloring!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

What is Dog Bloat and How to Cure It?

This illness can affect all dogs at anytime in their lives. This is such a serious health condition that it can kill if it isn't treated fast and effectively by your vet. Dog bloat is also known by another name - GDV or Gastric Dilatation and Volvulus. It is also sometimes referred to as Gastric Distension and Gastric Torsion. Although there are certain breeds of dog that are more prone to this illness it is primarily caused by your dog eating his food too fast. Most dog's eat their food very fast and when this happens it can cause air to also be swallowed along with the food. It is also possible for your dog to get this condition when he has swallowed lots of water really fast as this can also cause air to be swallowed at the same time causing stomach distension.

Dog bloat not only causes the stomach to distend due to the build up of gas and air but the volvulus can also extend and then twist up to 180 to 360 degrees. This can cause the esophagus to become blocked - the duodenum may also become blocked and pinched trapping more gas, fluid and air in the stomach. If the spleen also becomes blocked then this may also block off the blood supply and this is when the condition becomes life threatening. However, your dog should not have reached this stage as he should have been take to the vet way before the symptoms progressed this far.

There has also been some evidence to suggest that certain dry dog food that has fat listed in the first four ingredients on the label are 170% more likely to cause the condition. The symptoms of canine bloat may include some of the following.
  • Your dog may try to vomit unsuccessfully - retching.
  • Your dog's stomach may appear bloated and larger than usual
  • You may notice that your dog is drooling
  • Lethargy and restlessness is another symptom of this condition

If your dog has not been treated during these early stages then your dog may develop some of the more serious symptoms listed below.
  • Your dog's heart rate may be really fast
  • The pulse may be weak
  • Your dog may have difficulty in breathing
  • Rapid breathing is another symptom of this condition
  • If symptoms have progressed too far then your dog may actually collapse.

Treatment for dog bloat will involve your vet putting a long tube (without the volvulus issue) into your dog's stomach to through his mouth so that it will help your dog release any air and fluid that has been trapped. The vet will then fast your dog for about 36 hours giving intravenous fluids via a drip. If the volvulus issues have been diagnosed then surgery may need to be performed - this is when the stomach and the spleen are repositioned.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Home Remedies for Your Dog Troubles

There may be times when you don't want to use actual medication to treat your dog's symptoms, whether it be a flea and tick problem, dry skin, odor, or any other issue that your dog may be experiencing. In this case you may want to turn to a home remedy in order to try and solve the problem. There are a number of home remedies that work well in getting rid of some of the common problems that you find with dogs. Please note that if you are not sure about any one of the following remedies, you will want to speak with your veterinarian before trying them out.

Here are some popular home remedies for common dog problems:

Dogs often have to deal with fleas and ticks at some point during their lifetime. One possible remedy that you could try is to take the rinds of an orange, turn them into a paste, and apply it evenly to your dog's fur. Leave the paste applied for a few hours and then wash it away with warm water. The solution can potentially help deter fleas and ticks and will also leave your dog's coat smelling wonderful.

If your dog is constantly dealing with dry paws that are cracking as well, you may want to try out this home remedy. Simply take a bit of Vaseline or any brand of petroleum jelly and rub it into the dry areas for 4 to 5 days and you will see a huge improvement in the condition of your dogs dry cracking skin.

Have you noticed that your dog has a bit of an odor problem? One possible home remedy would be to add a few drops of vinegar to your dog's bath water the next time you give your dog a bath. Perhaps you have a hard time getting your dog to take a bath and have to resort to a dry method. In this case you can use baking soda as a type of dry shampoo. All you have to do is sprinkle baking soda onto your dog's coat, leave it applied for 10 minutes or so, and brush it out with a soft brushing. The baking soda will help fight off any odor.

Dogs often have to deal with insect bites, especially in the warmer spring and summer months when insects are out in full force. If you see that your dog is scratching at an insect bite, you can apply a mixture of baking soda and water to the bite area to help sooth the irritation. You may also want to place ice on the area if there is any swelling. Always keep in mind that if you see that your dog is having trouble breathing after a insect bite or bee sting, then your dog may be allergic to the insect or bee sting and you should bring your dog to a vet immediately.

These are just a few of the many safe, effective home remedies that you can use on your dog. If you notice that your dog is showing more serious side effects from these problems such as vomiting or troublesome breathing, then these home remedies will most likely not be effective and you'll want to bring your dog to a veterinarian.

What You Have to Know about Brussels Griffon

This little known breed, the Brussels Griffon, is intelligent, outgoing, affectionate and spunky. Wow, that's just about everything you could ever want in a dog. Or a date, for that matter. It can be quite a challenge to train one though, so you should start at an early age, either at home or in an obedience class.

The "Brussels" can be very friendly and outgoing or it can be timid. There is no way of knowing -- but early contact with many humans and other animals is encouraged. The breed is known to bark excessively -- so it is not always good for apartment living.

Appearance of the Brussels Griffon
The smooth-coated Griffon looks a bit like a bushier pug while the rough-coated Brussels Griffon -- with big, round eyes, a bushy "mustache" and long flowing "beard" -- resembles a character you would see in Lord of the Rings or perhaps at a Grateful Dead or Phish concert.

Their colors range from reddish brown to tan to black. Mixed colors are also common. Both varieties stand 8 to 10 inches tall and weigh 8 - 11 pounds. Life expectancy is 12 - 14 years.

Grooming and Exercise Needs of the Brussels Griffon
This cutie should be groomed a few times a week by brushing and combing. It will also need trimming about 4 times a year to stay healthy. Although this is a dog that love an active lifestyle, it can also do perfectly well with leisurely walks and a occasional game of fetch.

The Brussels Griffon originated in Brussels, oddly enough, in the 19th century. It is thought to have descended from the back-alley "rat dog" that was common throughout the city at that time. These dogs help control the rodent infestation and were welcome almost everywhere.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Information about American Bulldog

Granted, it takes an owner with strong leadership skills to get the message through that rock like head. But, once your Bully knows who's the boss, there are no problems.

It is best to start while they are still very young...because your Bully will test you. When socialized and trained using positive reinforcement, punishment-free techniques, you won't find a happier, more energetic, loyal, goofy, loving, fun dog.

The amazing thing about them is, when you start training them as early on as possible, they are so sensitive and really do want to please their owner. To get their attention, all it takes is a change in the tone of your voice. They respond instantly! Wait too long, and you may have more of a challenge.

They are medium size, but extremely powerful. Not the best dog if you have small children or elderly visitors! They are so enthusiastic to meet and greet, they could knock someone over by accident.

They do have a high prey drive, so getting them under control and desensitized to smaller pets while still a puppy, is a good idea. It also helps to thwart possible dog aggression.

If you are a couch potato, the American Bulldog is not the right dog for you. They need lots of exercise and mental stimulation. They can be destructive if left alone without something to keep them busy. They love to be mentally challenged, and will surprise you with how quickly they catch on. The key ingredients when training an American Bulldog are confidence and consistency.

Their egos love to be stroked with lots of praise and hugs. That's what makes them easy to train. When they know they have pleased you, they strut around like peacocks, with that little nub for a tail wagging back and forth!

They can be silly, and will put on a show every chance they get, especially when they know you appreciate their humor.

Bullies tend to be gassy and they can sure snore! Some drool more than others. If you're neatnik, any dog in the Bully family may not be the right dog for you. 

Granted, they do look intimidating, but don't judge the book by the cover. They are typically terrific with people. Most really and truly believe everyone they meet, is their new best friend.

Bottom line: Don't rule out the American Bulldog. Do your homework. Be careful where you get them. Sound responsible breeding is important. They may not be fuzzy or what we typically think of as cute. None-the-less, they do have an endearing face, and are really wonderful pets. To know them, is to love them!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dogs Immunizations to Maintain Your Dogs Health

If you have a dog as a pet, it is advised that you get it vaccinated regularly. It is not only recommended by veterinarians, but in many cases, it is required by law to get certain types. For instance, rabies is a very dangerous disease that can be transmitted from dogs to humans. This would be one of those diseases that the law requires vaccinations, for obvious reasons.

Vaccinations for dogs are divided into two categories: Core and non-core. Core vaccines are the ones that all dogs need to have. Non-core vaccines are only recommended for certain situations.

Core vaccines include:
  • Rabies: This vaccine has been highly successful and is effective according to the type administered. Side effects have been known to happen but the risk is quite low.
  • Parvovirus: The vaccine offers an impressive rate of success and is effective for about 1 year. Side effects are minimal to none.
  • Hepatitis: Your dog will be protected for approximately 1 year with this vaccine. Side effects are rare. The canine adenovirus-2 and CAV-2 are the only recommended vaccines to use.
  • Canine Distemper: A very effective vaccine, it offers immunity for 1 year, with minimal to no side effects.

Non-Core vaccines include:
  • Measles: It seems that dogs can get this disease as well as humans. However, it is only administered in situations of high risk canine distemper, and only in puppies that are 4 - 10 weeks old.
  • Respiratory Disease caused by CAV-2: This is only given as needed annually, and has few side effects.
  • Para Influenza: Dogs who are in shows, kennels, shelters or other large groups are advised to get this vaccine. It can be given annually or as often as needed.
  • Lyme: Given annually, this one is effective in dogs with no previous exposure.
  • Leptospirosis: Varying degrees of effectiveness is provided by this vaccine, and on some dogs it has no effect at all.
  • Bordetella: This is an intranasal vaccine that needs to be administered 2 weeks before the dog is exposed.
  • Corona Virus: There is not a lot of effectiveness in this one but is administered to dogs in kennels, shows, shelters, and breeding facilities.

There is a vaccine that combines adenovirus, hepatitis, distemper, Para Influenza, and parvovirus called the 5-way vaccine. There are some of the combinations that also add the Leptospirosis and the corona virus.

If you have a new dog or puppy, there is a recommended schedule to follow for vaccinations to be administered. The first one is parvovirus which should be given at 5 weeks of age. When your puppy is 6 weeks and then again at 9 weeks, it should receive the combination vaccine with Leptospirosis and corona virus excluded.

The rabies and combination vaccines should be received at 12 weeks. The combination vaccine should be administered again at 15 weeks. If Lyme is considered a threat, it should also be given during this same timeframe. When you have adult dogs, they need to receive the combination vaccine and the rabies vaccine. This is also the time to get the corona virus and Leptospirosis vaccines if there is a threat.

If you have any questions about when your dog needs to be vaccinated and what those vaccines should be, always check with your veterinarian.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Three Steps to Make Your Dogs Fetch

Your dogs’ creative mind can think of all sorts of things that they consider games, so if you’re wondering how to make your dog fetch, you do not need to wonder for long. How to make your dog fetch is quite simple. It will come to the point where you want have to even say fetch, he just will do it instinctively. Here are the steps on how to make your dog fetch.

Step one
Buy two identical toys, show him one and throw it. He should go for it in an automatic way. 

Step two
When he gets to the toy, call him and show him that you have the other toy. 

Step three
He will probably run back, with luck he will carry the second toy with him, if not, he will practice, if he is like my dog he will be greedy and want both toys at once, so he will not dare leave the first one behind.

Teaching your dog this, gives your pup a fun exercise that he enjoys. I included a link at the bottom that has a free dog training lesson video. You may find it to be helpful. I wish you only the best with your dog. Hope this helped and with time and patience, your dog will know how to fetch in no time at all.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Healthy Food for Your Dogs

Your pooch deserves to have delicious homemade meals in order to grow big and strong. That is why you should not feed it with processed products. These can be harmful to the health in a number of ways. It is best for you to use dog food recipes and prepare the meals on your own. You will see that this is definitely not time and effort consuming. With some practice you will become a master in the kitchen. But first you need to find the healthy recipes first.

You can start your search online. There are plenty of websites offering various dog food recipes. Unfortunately, not all internet sources are trustworthy. So, you have to make some checks first. You should read the list of ingredients. If there is any ingredient that your dog is allergic to you should definitely give up the recipe. Also, you have to decide how nutritional the meal will be. Some of the foods offered on websites are specifically made as snacks. They cannot be used for your pet's main diet. Another problem with the dog food recipes posted online is that they are often incomplete and do not have calorie count.

You can easily avoid all the searching and the worries by getting a dedicated cookbook. These are readily available and can give you all the information and tips you need. In this way you will actually be able to create entire nutrition plans for your pet. Plus, you can prepare a different meal every day. Often there are also gourmet dog food recipes for special occasions. These will really make your pet happy as they are the perfect present. Moreover, when the advice and the instructions come from a specialist you can be certain that you are on the right track toward making your pooch super healthy.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hypoallergenic Foods for Your Dogs – Is It Good?

In medicine doctors look for two things, signs and symptoms. Simply speaking, signs are things that another person can see and symptoms are thing the patient feels that aren't necessarily apparent to an observer. Humans help their doctors by carefully describing their symptoms. Unfortunately, your dog can't communicate his symptoms to you or the vet. Therefore it's sometimes hard to determine if your dog has an allergy or is so what is causing it.

A few signs that dogs show, just like humans with allergies, are pretty common. Sneezing, watery eyes, running noses and scratching are easy to see. Somewhat less obvious are stomach problems loss of appetite and breathing problems. If you notice any of these things the first thing to suspect as a culprit is some sort of food allergy, especially if you have recently switched to a new brand of food.

Once you suspect a food allergy, the next step is to isolate the exact cause. This is hard in humans and can be extremely frustrating in animals. Often allergy related signs and symptoms take weeks to go away after the allergen is eliminated from the diet. But it can be done through careful observation and careful planning.

One method is to put your dog on a hypoallergenic dog food. Once the dog is free of any allergic signs and symptoms, you will begin to reintroduce previous foods one at a time in an attempt to determine the exact culprit. Try to be as specific as possible in the foods you add. For instance instead of adding a dog food that is corn based, simply add a little corn to the dog's diet and watch for problems. Go slowly and give each new food time to cause problems before moving on to the next. Also, when you have eliminated one food, stop feeding it to your dog before trying the next one since the allergy may be caused by a combination of products.

Just because your dog has been eating the same food for a long time without problems, don't rule out a food based allergy if problems suddenly pop up. Allergies often show up out of the blue, especially later in life. If this is the case, follow the method above to test for allergies.

Though your vet can test for some frequent allergies, this is often expensive and in the long run is less effective than food based testing. A dog may only be allergic to one brand of food and not to an entire food source in general.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

English and American Labrador Retrievers

The Labrador Retriever is one of the most popular pet dogs in North America and in the UK. But not all labs are the same - there are different body types, different personalities, different colors and more. One of the most common divisions in kinds of labs is by breeding origin. These are generally referred to as English Lab Retrievers and American Lab Retrievers.

While all labs are originally from North America, via their origins in the St. John's Dog, they've been bred in the UK for long enough that there are now some differences. English Labs have a solid coat, just like American dogs, and come in the same range of colors (chocolate, yellow, black, and sometimes dilute chocolate and black, or "silver"). But they're not really shaped the same, and they have slight differences in temperament.

English Labrador Retrievers are more solidly built than their American cousins, with wide heads and muzzles, blocky bodies and a solid shape. They also have a more docile personality and are less excitable. These dogs have shorter bodies, too, and have been show and pet dogs longer. They're also called bench, conformation, or show labs.

American Lab Retrievers are taller and usually more lightly built than English Labrador Retrievers. They're often called field Labradors or working labs. For much of their history, these dogs have been hunting animals. They have narrower heads and longer noses, as well as a more lively personality. They're just as friendly and easy going as an English lab, though.

To make matters more confusing, both kinds of Labrador Retriever can be found all over the world. The term "English Labrador Retriever" just means that the dog's ancestors were from England. An American lab's ancestors came from North America. There's also an Australian line that's not common in the UK or US, but can be found in many places in Asia.

The AKC and other registry organizations don't really differentiate between English Labs and other body types. Instead, they judge all labs by the same standards. A Labrador has to meet certain personality qualifications, and has to look a certain way to be considered "on type." Dogs shouldn't be thin and willowy like a Doberman, for instance. Whether the animal's ancestors came from one place or another doesn't really matter to the judges.

So which kind of Lab Retriever will be best for you? It depends on what you want out of your dog. There are a few differences. An English Lab Retriever is generally more solidly built and more docile, while an American lab is more energetic and may be a better hunting animal. Both types are good family pets and eager to please. Just take the time to meet a few dogs, and see which ones you prefer.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Clean Canine Teeth

Brushing your teeth is a normal part of your everyday routine, and it should be exactly the same for your dog or puppy. Unfortunately this is not always the case, simply because people either don't have the time or don't feel that it is important. Below we have provided a complete guide to brushing dog’s teeth, why it is important and how best to do it.

Sometimes people find it more difficult to train their dog to accept a toothbrush in their mouth simply because their dog has not been used to it from a young age. Use the following techniques to get your dog used to a toothbrush.

  1. Put some peanut butter (or something that you know your dog likes) on the end of your finger and gently put it into your dogs mouth. Don't use chocolate as it is toxic to dog and will cause all kinds of problems.
  2. When your dog has got used to you putting your finger in his mouth with the peanut butter on it or whatever it is that your dog likes now place some gauze around your finger with the peanut butter rubbed on it as the gauze will get your dog used to the sensation.
  3. Rub the gauze around your dogs mouth until it feels quite natural for your dog or puppy. Keep doing this until your dog or puppy doesn't mind you doing it.
  4. Ok now it's time to start brushing your dog's teeth. Purchase a toothbrush that is specifically designed for dogs and don't use a brush used for humans.
  5. Use the techniques mentioned above but speak to your vet and purchase toothpaste that is flavored with beef, poultry or fish.
  6. Use the techniques above and get your dog used to the brush with the chosen toothpaste.
  7. Now angle the toothbrush as about 45 degrees and brush the teeth in a circular motion.
  8. Keep brushing your dog's teeth on a daily basis so that he gets used to it. Remember that dog's lack certain enzymes that fight the build up of plaque, this is why dog's tend to get a build up of plaque and tartar on their teeth. This build up can lead to bad breath and tooth loss and is why canine teeth cleaning is so important.

Four Tips to Train Puppy

You can only avoid the issues relating to a dogs' behavior, if you can resolve to go for an already trained dog. But how will you cope with a dog that you are not familiar with? I guess you might have to face some challenges on how to bring the dog home and how make him stay. Because who trains a dog and the environment the dog is trained, plays a big roll when it comes to where the dog will naturally like to stay.

We all know that puppies are not born trained. They are most likely taken from their siblings and the environment they are used to, into a new place that will probably be strange to them. Being completely away from their comfort zone, where they were born, they will first be confused to find themselves in a different environment, they will also be lonely and reluctant to respond to any interaction with you.

Most dog owners become bewildered at this point, forgetting that sooner they could win over the dog and make them their best friend. In training a puppy, the following are the things you should expect at the beginning:
  1. They will be frightened at every little thing, and this may lead to low receptive to learning.
  2. Dog peeing in the house could be inevitable.
  3. Unnecessary barking that may cause disturbance in the compound.
  4. Illness due to a change of environment and a change in diet.

You will be so amazed with the level of success you can achieve, when you properly apply this four tips that I am about to share with you now, which in essence will enable you become a coach to other dog owners.

Firstly: You must exercise patience with him. This is a puppy that is new to an environment, and still confused with the whole new process and changes, any action you take to be harsh on him can only result to getting the little puppy scared the more, and will make it almost impossible for you to relate with him, because you make him feel insecure. Being very patience with him will help to make him feel at home and thereby begin to learn fast.

Secondly: You must take out time to build his confidence in you. You may be a kind of person that does not tolerate nonsense. I put it to you, that as long as you keep a hostile attitude toward a puppy, you will delay the level of progress you can make on the things you expect the puppy to learn from you. Avoid being upset with the puppy' bad habits at the moment; instead give him sometimes to improve.

Thirdly: Ensure that you take him to a veterinarian for check up. Your puppy' good health should be a primary issue to you, especially at the early stage, to make sure that your puppy is not carrying any kind of disease in his body, due to the change of environment and a change in diet. And also to eliminate any form of existing health problems that may be present in the dogs' body. Some dogs do experience some form of diarrhea when they undergo process of sudden change in their usual diet habit.

Finally: Learn what diet to give to your puppy at various stages of his life. You must understand that top quality commercial canned dog food that is highly enriched with proteins and mineral to supply nutrient, and build a strong bone to keep your puppy healthy and fast in learning, is a fundamental to keep you on your way to success in your dog training endeavor.

You can equally get more help by visiting the links below.