Wednesday, May 19, 2010

White Golden Retrievers Breed Profile

Not everyone seems to be aware that the Golden Retriever breeds in split into at least 2 subsets that differ in essential ways: American Retrievers and English Retrievers. Families that adore their Golden may not notice much difference between their very own pet and many others, however professional breeders and showmen see the differences readily.

English Retrievers go by a lot of names, including "White Golden Retrievers," a name that refers to their nearly white coats. English Retrievers also go by the names British Cream Golden Retrievers, Blonde Golden Retrievers, White Golden Retrievers, and Platinum Retrievers, and English Cream Retrievers. The coloring of American Golden Retrievers, however, might be pale yellow all the way up to dark mahogany.

The fur of The White Retriever is shorter and not dark, and their bodies are stockier and more square shaped. They also have square faces and noses that are more block-formed and a bit shorter. The White Golden have been bred to withstand the wet, cold climate of the English countryside and were used as hunting dogs.

The short coats of White Retrievers require much less maintenance and grooming than the longer coats on American Retrievers. The American Golden has glamorous coats which are showy but high maintenance. The American Golden has so much hair that it might become impractical. When an American Golden-Retriever gets wet, it stays wet longer than a White Retriever, since the White Retriever can shake the water off quickly.
White Retrievers might be told apart from American Retrievers in other ways. The eyes on A White Goldie are a bit darker, and the ears are set just above the eyes, which is unique. The White Goldie have a different facial express due to the slightly different way their eyes and ears are positioned and the difference in eye color.

White Retrievers and American Retrievers both have friendly dispositions that make them perfect for families. White Goldie is active, happy, eager to please, and loving. White Goldens are perfect with children and are popular for use as companions to the handicapped, however they don't adapt well to households where they must be alone much of the day.

White Goldies love to be outside and adapt nicely to country and suburban households or to owners who like to be outdoors themselves. They love to be taken along on hunting journeys and make great sporting dogs. The White Golden are quick learners so getting them through obedience training, which is advisable, is a snap.

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