Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Best Dog Food for Your Dog

So, just what exactly do you feed your very best friend? Your pet is loyal, trusting, loving and truly depends on you to provide the very best you can in terms of care, attention and of course feeding so how exactly do you decide on what is the best dog food to use? If you are rearing your dog from puppyhood then obviously feeding habits used at this time will set the scene through to adulthood so it is imperative that a little more time is taken when deciding on which diet your dog will follow.

The starting point is of course the age, size and breed of your dog as individual types may require specialized foods and supplements; if your animal is perhaps a working dog the diet therefore needs to be one of sustenance to maintain this kind of lifestyle. Also take into account the way you live your life and what feeding program will be convenient for you in the long run as the last thing you want to do is chop and change with the type of dog food you are using - dogs thrive well on routine and it is unwise to use too many different types as this will eventually impact upon the animal's digestive system.

If you are planning to use a dry dog food mix try and source out an established local supplier who can offer you all the advice you need on the portion sizes, flavors and textures as well as any vitamin supplementation which may be necessary to ensure that the diet is a complete one and does not lack the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are essential to maintain good health. It is important to remember that an overweight dog is an unhealthy dog and usually an unhappy dog as well if it cannot maintain activity and exercise, so never overcompensate by giving too many extra treats in place of attention and daily walks. If you are planning a 'change-over' to a different type of diet this should be done very gradually and in proportion with the original feed, it is never a case of offering a new food and leaving it out until it is finished - it should be removed and replaced with the usual meal as the dog should not be made to go hungry and the new regime can be set in place even more gradually until the new food is accepted.

The best dog food diet is still a combination of meat and fish together with a selection of vegetables as this feeding plan addresses all the different requirements and should contain all the essential amino acids, vitamins, fiber and minerals. No matter what type of food you choose be it dried, canned or fresh there is a very good chance you will have to use some form of supplements and these can easily be given in tablet form which really is a small price to pay to ensure that the dog remains healthy and this will also help to avoid any unnecessary illnesses in the future so you really owe it to yourself and your animal to pay particular attention in setting up a good and nutritious feeding plan.

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