Thursday, June 3, 2010

Some Dog Training Tips

As the name implies, Dog Training is simply a process of teaching a dog to perform certain actions in response to certain commands that the Dog is trained to understand.

The fact that some dogs are hard to train does not mean that something is wrong with them and most of these dogs usually exhibit some intelligence in their acts.

To enjoy training or grooming your dog, you need to understand them well. There are certain traits that can make your dog training job a tasking one but once you understand these traits in your dog, grooming your dog would be a lot easier.

These Traits are:
Dog intelligence is the ability of a dog to learn, think, and solve problems on their own. Intelligence dogs are usually hard to train due to the fact that they are smart and they mostly rely on their brain power to survive.

An independence dog usually wants to do things on his own and refuses to obey commands.

A dominant dog may stare, bark, growl, snap or even bite when you give him a command or ask him to give up a toy; He may also refuses to move out of your way when required.

The following tips would help you in grooming your Independence, Dominance and highly intelligent dog to what you want.
  1. Get your Dog's Undivided Attention: Training a dog requires a whole lot of patience, persistence and perseverance, what it means is that before you can succeed in training your dog effectively you have to keep trying no matter how hard it may seem at the beginning and do not give up on him easily. Also ensure that you have his full and undivided attention by pampering and giving him treats once in a while.
  2. Play with your dogs often: No matter how busy your schedules are, always create time to play with your dog especially the young ones and create a bond between both of you. It also helps in teaching them.
  3. Crate Training: Crates may be plastic (often called "flight kennels") or collapsible, metal pens for putting your dogs in check. Crate training your dog usually take some time and effort but can be highly useful. The use of crate allows you to limit the access of your new dog or puppy to the house until he learns all the house rules. A crate is also a safe way of transporting your dog in the car, as well as a way of taking him where he may not be welcome to run freely. If you properly train your dog to use the crate, he'll think of it as his safe place and will be happy to spend time there when needed.
  4. Don't hesitate to teach them how they can answer the call of nature when he is in a hurry and let him know that the right and correct place to answer such calls is outside and not inside as he's used to. This is possible if a proper grooming is carried out on your dog by you.

There are several other free tips on the ways to groom your dog the way you want so that they can be useful to you and guarantee you rest of mind. You can get some of these free tips in my user guide.

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