Saturday, April 3, 2010

Three Steps to Make Your Dogs Fetch

Your dogs’ creative mind can think of all sorts of things that they consider games, so if you’re wondering how to make your dog fetch, you do not need to wonder for long. How to make your dog fetch is quite simple. It will come to the point where you want have to even say fetch, he just will do it instinctively. Here are the steps on how to make your dog fetch.

Step one
Buy two identical toys, show him one and throw it. He should go for it in an automatic way. 

Step two
When he gets to the toy, call him and show him that you have the other toy. 

Step three
He will probably run back, with luck he will carry the second toy with him, if not, he will practice, if he is like my dog he will be greedy and want both toys at once, so he will not dare leave the first one behind.

Teaching your dog this, gives your pup a fun exercise that he enjoys. I included a link at the bottom that has a free dog training lesson video. You may find it to be helpful. I wish you only the best with your dog. Hope this helped and with time and patience, your dog will know how to fetch in no time at all.

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