Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Multimedia Dog Training Courses, an Alternative Way to Train Your Dog

With the use of obedience training, dog owners can teach their old dogs new tricks. There are dog training courses available via kennels, pet stores, self-study, and online. Owners of different types of dogs will prefer different course formats. The goal is to have a well-trained pet, free of any troubling behavior problems.

Canine obedience classes can be expensive and many are offered during times inconvenient to the owner. Online courses are nice, but unless the dog owner has a laptop, it will be difficult to take the computer outside for some of the training. Many users prefer a training program that uses a more multimedia approach. The program usually includes a book, video, and online consultations with fellow dog owners and professional trainers. Training can be done at the owner's leisure and repeated as necessary without incurring additional cost.

Good multimedia training programs should include a video that illustrates real-life examples of effective training techniques. This will allow the dog owner to see the lesson in action. The book that accompanies the video should provide instruction regarding how the most common dog behavior problems can be resolved. The consultations with the professionals and other dog owners take place via online forums.

Many frustrated dog owners turn to these programs for issues such as food aggression, biting, fighting, barking, housetraining issues, and pulling on the leash when walking. Special techniques such as dog whispering (yes, there is such a thing), how to handle multiple dogs or a dog and cat in the family, and barking while in public. Dog owners will even be able to train Rover to sit, stay, come, shake, rollover, and more.

Good training does not involve punishing the dog whenever it does not listen. The key is to make the dog understand the message that the owner is communicating. It is also vital that this be accomplished in a short period in order to maximize the efficiency of the training. In addition, any reputable training program will offer some form of guarantee in order to ensure satisfaction.

When considering dog training courses, explore programs that incorporate multimedia methods. This will allow the training to take place at a time convenient to the owner and in the comfort of the dog's home. Owner and dog will develop an even stronger relationship during the training process, and the formerly naughty pooch will become the pride and joy of the family.

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