Monday, April 12, 2010

The Most Important Points in Dog Training

If you are trying to train a dog then chances are you are looking all over for dog training secrets that will make your job easier. There are many dog training secrets out there, but none will be as helpful as what you are about to learn. There is one fundamental truth of dog training. That is that dog training is all about communication. Without the right communication you will never get your dog trained.

Communication in training is all about sending the right message to the dog so the dog understands what behavior he should do. There are two basic ways you can go about communicating your message to your dog. You can use positive reinforcement or correction.

Positive Reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is when you praise or reward your dog when he does what it is that you want him to do. Positive reinforcement includes things like giving your dog a treat when he performs the correct action or offering him praise when he performs correctly.

Positive reinforcement is all about teaching your dog that if he does what it is that he is supposed to do that good things will happen to him. He will start to want to do the requested actions because he has learned doing so gets him a reward.

Positive reinforcement is the recommended method of communication to use during training and considered one of the top dog training secrets. This is because a dog will usually respond much better to positive things than negative things. Many dog breeds will only learn through positive reinforcement because it is in their natural to rebel against or ignore negative things. In some cases using negative methods in training will make the dog afraid to try to learn at all for fear he will make a mistake and get in trouble.

The correction method of training is not about punishment. It is about showing the dog the correct thing to do when he does something wrong. It is all about redirecting. For example, if the dog does not come when called, the trainer would use the leash to urge the dog to come while saying the command. This is one of the dog training secrets that many people may not even know about before they start researching training.

Showing the dog how to do things correctly lets the dog know what is expected of him. This can be quite helpful, especially with a dog that is a slower learner or who is having a difficult time understanding what is expected. Extremely high strung or hyper dogs can benefit from this method simply because it makes them focus on the task at hand.

The Key to Effectiveness
No matter what method of communication you use in your dog training you will want to know the top dog training secrets keys to making your communication efforts effective. This is consistency.

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