Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Benefits of High Fiber Dog Food

The benefits of high fiber dog food are far-reaching and it could be the solution to a number of health issues your dog is dealing with. If your dog is suffering from obesity, diarrhea, diabetes mellitus, or a number of other medical conditions, keep reading to learn more about fiber-rich diets and how they can impact your pet.

While fiber is not one of the most discussed nutrients in pet food, nearly all dog foods contain some amounts of fiber. The fiber content of these products is provided by various grain-based ingredients including bran, rice, wheat, and corn. Brands advertising high fiber dog foods will feature higher amounts of these ingredients. Unfortunately, as fiber content increases, other key nutrients may suffer, so always consult your veterinarian to make sure a fiber-rich diet will be healthy for your dog.

The most common ailment that can be combated with high fiber dog food is obesity. Just like in humans, fiber adds "substance" to food without adding calories. Your dog will feel satisfied and stop eating earlier, but the indigestible fiber ingredients won't be converted to unhealthy fat by its body. High fiber diets can often be coupled with other weight loss programs to help your dog safely return to a normal weight. Additionally, as your dog processes the fibrous material in its digestive system, helpful bacteria are released which can fight off harmful bacteria and aid in colon health.

Also similarly to humans, dogs suffering from constipation can benefit from the addition of fiber to their diets. Undigested fiber adds bulk and mass to stool, which can literally "clean out the pipes" of your dog's digestive system. This bulking up of stool, as well as the ability of fiber-rich ingredients to absorb excess water in the digestive system, means that high fiber dog food is also a good option for dogs suffering from diarrhea.

Finally, diabetes mellitus is another condition that can be lessened by the incorporation of high fiber into your pet's daily routine. Studies have shown that a diet rich in fiber can regulate the intake of sugar into your dog's blood stream, leveling out spikes in their blood sugar level. Although insulin therapy is often still necessary for diabetic dogs, an increase in fiber can be a beneficial step toward managing the condition.

High fiber dog food may be an effective answer to the questions you have about your dog's health and medical conditions. As mentioned earlier, always consult your vet before making changes to your dog's diet to ensure that your pet stays healthy and active.

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