Sunday, April 11, 2010

Give Proper Nutrition to Your Dog

Man's best friend, the dog. Lovable and playful and if you are not careful it will eat you out of house and home. Yes, this animal loves nothing better than to find something to chew on. This may not sound like a big problem, but some of the foods that we take for granted can actually be very fatal.

Everybody's favourite sweet treat, the chocolate, looks good and tastes good, but baking chocolate and dark chocolate could have especially serious implications if they were to be eaten by some dogs.

There are certain chemicals inside Onions that can be fatal; this is because the chemicals can turn into a poison once it enters the animal's digestive system.

If you walk in the fields regularly with your dog then you may want to know that mushrooms can be fatal to some of them, and also in the same way garlic can be fatal. The effect of this spice in this animal can prove fatal and is very quick reacting.

Most dogs can eat food that contains seeds with just a little discomfort, but apple seeds unfortunately can prove fatal.

Another thing that can have serious repercussions if your pet gets hold of them is poultry bones. Normal bones are good for them to chew on but poultry bones are a different matter altogether. These shatter quite easily and leave very sharp points protruding out. If these should become trapped inside a dog's stomach or Intestine the consequences do not bear thinking about.

Dogs are not a canine version of a garbage can, even though they do eat almost anything. Do not leave food out for your pet or anybody else's to find; keep temptation out of their way.

Even an innocent piece of food lying around could be enough to kill either your pet or somebody else's. Just a little care and you could stop an innocent creature from losing its life.

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