Tuesday, April 13, 2010

When Your Dog is Getting Old

Signs my dog is getting older is sad and difficult but fortunately it is a slow process. The slow process allows a person time to understand that the years have passed and you need to enjoy each other for the remaining unknown time you have together.

As you sit in your easy chair petting your dog, one is mindful of all the funny antics that your puppy once did, all of the good time memories during family occasions, and all of the fun from everyday simple things that your dog does about the house.

Yes, our wonderful dog is getting older. These are the signs my old cocker spaniel is getting old and as you read and think about these signs they may also apply to your pet.

  1. Hair color is changing. More white or grey is appearing in its coat.
  2. The coat does not feel as soft as it once was.
  3. Hair curls are flattening into straighter strands.
  4. Some of the individual hair strands feel dry and loosing their luster.
  5. When you look at his face he looks older and the eye expressions appear tired.
  6. The eyes are taking on a blue tint indicating cataracts are beginning.
  7. He catnaps more often and sleeps for longer periods of time.
  8. He is not as energetic, therefore, moves slower.
  9. He walks more than he runs. He takes shorter walks.
  10. He has difficulty jumping into his favorite chair.
  11. He does not seem to be as curious, perhaps this is because he is more mature or...
  12. He seems more comfortable and happy with the world about him and accepts it.
  13. He does not like sudden changes, prefers his routine and can be stubborn.
  14. He is usually friendly, but occasionally cranky and lacks patience with children.
  15. He is slowly loosing his hearing.
  16. Skin allergies and weight problems are developing which indicates a change of diet.
  17. Visiting the vet has you hearing news of heart murmurs and circulation problems.
  18. You need to watch their water intake. If there is a change it may be an indicator for diseases like diabetes mellitus or kidney problems.
  19. Do you have a female dog? The vet says they have a tendency to be incontinent as they age.
  20. His legs are beginning to bow and he stands with a wider leg stance. Did you know that human beings do the same thing? The wider stance is for better balance.

A dog getting older is similar to our passage into the autumn years of our lives. We can still enjoy life to its fullest. We just have to move slower and experience occasional pains here and there. These irritations are warning signals to slow down and smell the roses.

We do not like seeing our best friend entering the older years of their lives, but you need to remember how much love, joy, and richness they bring into our lives and they deserve the same from us.

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