Monday, May 31, 2010

Homemade Dog Food Recipes

We have all heard or seen the horror stories of what is actually in the pet foods sold in the stores. If you want to be sure of what goes in your dog's food, the best thing to do is make it yourself. Although many experts would say that homemade diets are the best food option for your dog, it's still best if you get your veterinarian's advice first. Changes in your dog's diet must be done slowly to avoid upsetting their stomach. Ingredients or recipes must be rotated to guarantee nutritional variety.

Never give bones to your dogs, especially the cooked ones. Fragments have a tendency to get lodged in your pet's digestive tract. Other dangerous foods for dogs are large amounts of garlic, onions, raisins, grapes, macadamia nuts, mushrooms, avocados and chocolates.

Here are a few recipes which are guaranteed to make your dog happy.

Doggy Hamburger Helper
o Cottage cheese - 2 tbsp
o Carrots (baby food) - 1 jar
o Green beans (baby food) - 1 jar
o Oatmeal - 1/2 cup, plain, cooked
o 2 Eggs - boiled, chopped
o Hamburger meat - 1 cup, browned
Mix all ingredients in a bowl and serve in a room temperature. A dog mineral/multivitamin supplement can be added for a extra measure. Unused portions must be stored in a sealed container and refrigerated. Throw away any leftovers after 3 days.

Doggy Fish Meal
o Peanut butter - 1 tbsp
o Celery - 1 stick
o Carrot - 1 small
o Potato - 1 small
o Cornmeal - 3 tbsp
o 1 Egg -, beaten
o Salmon - 1 can, bones removed
Combine cornmeal, egg and salmon. Mix well. Form into medium-sized patties. Coat them using a bit more cornmeal. Fry both sides using a small amount of canola until brown. Chop the patties into small bite-sizes. Mix with boiled and chopped vegetables. For moisture, you can add one spoonful of cottage cheese, if desired. To finish off your dog's dinner, you can give peanut butter to serve as dessert.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

White Golden Retrievers Breed Profile

Not everyone seems to be aware that the Golden Retriever breeds in split into at least 2 subsets that differ in essential ways: American Retrievers and English Retrievers. Families that adore their Golden may not notice much difference between their very own pet and many others, however professional breeders and showmen see the differences readily.

English Retrievers go by a lot of names, including "White Golden Retrievers," a name that refers to their nearly white coats. English Retrievers also go by the names British Cream Golden Retrievers, Blonde Golden Retrievers, White Golden Retrievers, and Platinum Retrievers, and English Cream Retrievers. The coloring of American Golden Retrievers, however, might be pale yellow all the way up to dark mahogany.

The fur of The White Retriever is shorter and not dark, and their bodies are stockier and more square shaped. They also have square faces and noses that are more block-formed and a bit shorter. The White Golden have been bred to withstand the wet, cold climate of the English countryside and were used as hunting dogs.

The short coats of White Retrievers require much less maintenance and grooming than the longer coats on American Retrievers. The American Golden has glamorous coats which are showy but high maintenance. The American Golden has so much hair that it might become impractical. When an American Golden-Retriever gets wet, it stays wet longer than a White Retriever, since the White Retriever can shake the water off quickly.
White Retrievers might be told apart from American Retrievers in other ways. The eyes on A White Goldie are a bit darker, and the ears are set just above the eyes, which is unique. The White Goldie have a different facial express due to the slightly different way their eyes and ears are positioned and the difference in eye color.

White Retrievers and American Retrievers both have friendly dispositions that make them perfect for families. White Goldie is active, happy, eager to please, and loving. White Goldens are perfect with children and are popular for use as companions to the handicapped, however they don't adapt well to households where they must be alone much of the day.

White Goldies love to be outside and adapt nicely to country and suburban households or to owners who like to be outdoors themselves. They love to be taken along on hunting journeys and make great sporting dogs. The White Golden are quick learners so getting them through obedience training, which is advisable, is a snap.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Dog Breed Information

Description: The Pembroke Welsh corgi is a stocky dog with short legs, which gives it the look of a large dog but is, in fact, obviously a small dog. They would normally have their dew claws removed. They are often born with no tail and it is popular to have the tail docked on pets that are born with a tail. Be aware though that tail docking is against the law in a variety of European countries, where docking can only be done if there is a health risk to the dog, or if such a severe injury has been received that removing the tail is the only option. They have a double coat the coarse outer layer and weather resistant softer undercoat. They are similar in appearance to the Cardigan Welsh corgi, the most obvious difference being, the Cardigan corgi has a tail and a slightly longer body.

History. The Pembroke was originally bred from the Cardigan Corgi. It is thought that the Pembroke terriers' ancestors were taken to the British Isles, by the Flemish, in the 12th century, the Cardigan and the Pembroke share a history of several centuries. Corgis were originally bred as herding dogs, they were used to herd cattle, horses, etc., and they achieved this by running round the animals and nipping at their ankles. In 1934 it was decided that the two breeds were too different and from that point they have been classified as two separate breeds. The Pembroke Welsh corgi is also a favorite of the English Queen, and have been royal pets for over 70 years.

Temperament. The Pembroke Welsh corgi is a loyal and hard-working dog. They are commonly easy to train and are considered very clever, ranking number 11 of the smartest dog breeds in the world. They are very alert, and made good watchdogs as they react to unusual things with their customary bark.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dog Car Seats for Animal Lover

If you are an animal lover, chances are that you like taking your pets out for a ride. However, taking them out for a ride in your car can have its consequences. A lot of car accidents have been caused by having pets play around in the car while the driver was at the wheel. Having your pets roam around in your car is not a very good idea not only because they will cause damage to the inside of your car but also because they can cause a car accident. This is why it is very important to have a dog car seat for your puppy. There are many types of car seats available in the market but some of the best ones are the ones that will keep your dog safe and secure while you drive.

Some of these puppy seats are known as booster seats because they allow your dog to have a good view out the window. In other words, they connect to the passenger seat and boost your dog up. The great thing about these booster seats is that they are padded on the inside to keep your dog comfortable. Most of them are also washable so you can just stick them in the washing machine incase your dog has an accident in them.

How Much Does a Dog Car Seat Cost?
The price of a puppy seat can vary and it also depends on where you buy it. Some of these seats look very elegant therefore you can expect to pay more but some of them are pretty simple and still get the job done. The material of the fabric is also something that will bring the price up or down. If you stick to a simple puppy vehicle seat then you can expect to save a lot of money.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Multimedia Dog Training Courses, an Alternative Way to Train Your Dog

With the use of obedience training, dog owners can teach their old dogs new tricks. There are dog training courses available via kennels, pet stores, self-study, and online. Owners of different types of dogs will prefer different course formats. The goal is to have a well-trained pet, free of any troubling behavior problems.

Canine obedience classes can be expensive and many are offered during times inconvenient to the owner. Online courses are nice, but unless the dog owner has a laptop, it will be difficult to take the computer outside for some of the training. Many users prefer a training program that uses a more multimedia approach. The program usually includes a book, video, and online consultations with fellow dog owners and professional trainers. Training can be done at the owner's leisure and repeated as necessary without incurring additional cost.

Good multimedia training programs should include a video that illustrates real-life examples of effective training techniques. This will allow the dog owner to see the lesson in action. The book that accompanies the video should provide instruction regarding how the most common dog behavior problems can be resolved. The consultations with the professionals and other dog owners take place via online forums.

Many frustrated dog owners turn to these programs for issues such as food aggression, biting, fighting, barking, housetraining issues, and pulling on the leash when walking. Special techniques such as dog whispering (yes, there is such a thing), how to handle multiple dogs or a dog and cat in the family, and barking while in public. Dog owners will even be able to train Rover to sit, stay, come, shake, rollover, and more.

Good training does not involve punishing the dog whenever it does not listen. The key is to make the dog understand the message that the owner is communicating. It is also vital that this be accomplished in a short period in order to maximize the efficiency of the training. In addition, any reputable training program will offer some form of guarantee in order to ensure satisfaction.

When considering dog training courses, explore programs that incorporate multimedia methods. This will allow the training to take place at a time convenient to the owner and in the comfort of the dog's home. Owner and dog will develop an even stronger relationship during the training process, and the formerly naughty pooch will become the pride and joy of the family.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Best Dog Food for Your Dog

So, just what exactly do you feed your very best friend? Your pet is loyal, trusting, loving and truly depends on you to provide the very best you can in terms of care, attention and of course feeding so how exactly do you decide on what is the best dog food to use? If you are rearing your dog from puppyhood then obviously feeding habits used at this time will set the scene through to adulthood so it is imperative that a little more time is taken when deciding on which diet your dog will follow.

The starting point is of course the age, size and breed of your dog as individual types may require specialized foods and supplements; if your animal is perhaps a working dog the diet therefore needs to be one of sustenance to maintain this kind of lifestyle. Also take into account the way you live your life and what feeding program will be convenient for you in the long run as the last thing you want to do is chop and change with the type of dog food you are using - dogs thrive well on routine and it is unwise to use too many different types as this will eventually impact upon the animal's digestive system.

If you are planning to use a dry dog food mix try and source out an established local supplier who can offer you all the advice you need on the portion sizes, flavors and textures as well as any vitamin supplementation which may be necessary to ensure that the diet is a complete one and does not lack the essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients which are essential to maintain good health. It is important to remember that an overweight dog is an unhealthy dog and usually an unhappy dog as well if it cannot maintain activity and exercise, so never overcompensate by giving too many extra treats in place of attention and daily walks. If you are planning a 'change-over' to a different type of diet this should be done very gradually and in proportion with the original feed, it is never a case of offering a new food and leaving it out until it is finished - it should be removed and replaced with the usual meal as the dog should not be made to go hungry and the new regime can be set in place even more gradually until the new food is accepted.

The best dog food diet is still a combination of meat and fish together with a selection of vegetables as this feeding plan addresses all the different requirements and should contain all the essential amino acids, vitamins, fiber and minerals. No matter what type of food you choose be it dried, canned or fresh there is a very good chance you will have to use some form of supplements and these can easily be given in tablet form which really is a small price to pay to ensure that the dog remains healthy and this will also help to avoid any unnecessary illnesses in the future so you really owe it to yourself and your animal to pay particular attention in setting up a good and nutritious feeding plan.