Monday, January 31, 2011

Using Electronic Dog Fences

Do you have a dog that simply will not stay in the yard and is constantly roaming the neighborhood? There are a number of reasons why you might want to purchase electric dog fences for you yard. Here are 3 of the top reasons for doing so.

Contain Your Roaming Dog
A roaming dog is a problem that many dog owners have to deal with from time to time, and it can be a frustrating problem to have to deal with to say the least. Electric dog fences help create an invisible line in the yard that dogs will learn not to cross.

How? When they get to close to the fence, they will be alerted first by an alarmingly high tone which in most cases will cause them to stop. If that doesn't work and the dog continues to approach the underground fence, they will start to feel a slight tingle from the collar which can become more intense as they approach the line. This often times is enough to stop them from moving forward.

Keep Your Dog Safe
Electric dog fences also help promote a high level of safety for your dog because they keep them from getting into trouble elsewhere when they wander off down the street or road. Busy traffic areas are dangerous for animals simply because drivers don't always watch for animals, so there is the danger of your dog getting struck by a moving vehicle. Every time your dog is allowed to wander out of the yard, their life is put in danger.

Reinforce Obedience
Electric dog fences also help train your dog to be more obedient, meaning they will listen to you more. When you are able to train them to remain in the yard, then chances are you will be able to work on training them in other areas of obedience as well.

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