Sunday, January 30, 2011

Stopping Your Dog from Peeing

The best approach to manage this condition that I regard as 'subservient urination' is to boost the confidence level in your dog. When your dog is not timid they will not feel the need to display this behavior and will feel comfortable when they are with you. Obedience training that is meant to boost confidence in your dog delivers great results and a permanent solution to this problem.

A dog that has no form of training has poor communication abilities with the humans that they regard as 'masters'. if the dog understand the commands and the language and the rewards that come with every action he does not struggle to impress you. Simply because he know what is expected of him and what are the consequences of a particular action. This is the beauty of obedience training in dogs it is something that can simply be described as magical.

The second most important instrument of building confidence in him is socialization. This is greatly achievable in the training classes, dogs daycare or during the routine walk in the park. The guest presence can also be vital to make him get used to a wide number of people and reduce excitability in the presence of strangers.

The third most powerful tool to fostering your dog's confidence is what is commonly called agility training this is done by use of physical barriers and mental stimulation together with words that are meant to be understood and obeyed.

What are some of the most basic obedience words that the dog should learn? These words include Sit, come, stay and Fetch. When they learn to obey them the gain the confidence. Remember to reward them with praise both in form of words and action such as a good pat at the back, accompanied by ' good' Food reward also works well ' Try as much as possible to reduce the times when you reproach your dog since this is likely to bring back the old submissive behavior. Dogs are clever creatures! Aren't they? They study our body language and respond to our voice tone. When you approach him try not to bend over him since this is a domineering posture but rather crouch and look at his eyes at his level. Don't look at his eyes for a long time since this could intimidate him and he will lose confidence.

When you apply this measures on your dog that has a problem of involuntary peeing you will be happy with the results that are seen in a short period of time. You also must be focused and work hard to change his behavior as well as nurture your patience, perseverance and Understanding. You will be successful anyway! Good luck!

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