Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fish Oil, the Supplement for Dogs

Fish oil for dogs may be one of the beneficial supplements that you could give ever your pet as it will help all breeds in any age group in ways that most owners may not be aware of. Owners have been using fish oil for years as a supplement for hair coats and improving the gloss in the coat, but it has benefits that far exceed just protecting your dog's coat.

There are also very few side affects of fish oil, except in very rare cases where extreme dosages may be used as it could possibly cause pancreatitis. However, it is extremely rare and has only been documented where the dosage has been extremely high for a prolonged period of time.

Fatty acids are essential for all pets, especially dogs, and the richest forms of fatty acids are found in three major sources; beef fat, sunflower oil, and fish oil. Although beef fat does contain fatty acids, it is has a very low percentage, while on the other hand sunflower oil and fish oil have much higher percentages. But even sunflower oil does not come close to the benefits of fish oil.

Dogs can produce some of the needed fatty acids, but not all of them, and as a result they must be obtained form their diet or supplemented. Fatty acids in foods are also subject to degradation, as overcooking can virtually destroy these very important nutrients and can actually cause a deficiency. Supplementing fish oil drops or supplements into your dogs diet can do wonders for your loyal companion.

Benefits of Fish Oil

Allergies and Autoimmune Conditions:
Most all allergies as well as autoimmune conditions are the result of your dogs body over reacting to something. Autoimmune conditions are especially dangerous as it is your dogs own system actually attacking itself. There are two primary forms of fatty acids that your dog needs in their diets, omega-3 and omega-6. However, what is not well known is that there is a third type of fatty acid, omega-9.

Omega-9 is found primarily in animal fat as well as vegetable oil, and actually decreases the concentrations of omega-3 and omega-6 in your dogs skin as well as their blood. Fish oil helps to bring the balance back into full strength and protect your dogs system against both allergies and autoimmune conditions, as most all skin conditions are caused by a lack of enough omega-3 in your dogs system.

The next major benefit of fish oil for dogs is that of fighting inflammation. Both forms of fatty acids are incorporated in your dogs cell membranes, and when a cell becomes damaged, the substances of omega-6 are released from the cell membranes and are metabolized by enzymes. When this occurs, it actually causes both inflammations as well as itching in your dog. However, the major substances of omega-3 are also affected, and fish oil can do wonders in correcting the situation. If your dog is battling arthritis, a few drops of fish oil or one tablet daily can be extremely helpful.

It may take four to five weeks to become fully effective, but it most all cases it helps to reduce the inflammation. Fish oil will also help other inflammatory conditions such as colitis, inflammatory bowel disorders, and rheumatoid arthritis. It is extremely effective in neutralizing the enzyme metabolism that cases this chain of events.

Omega 3 fatty acids, enriched by fish oil, assist in developing a strong immune system but is also very effective at strengthening your dogs retina as well as their visual cortex. Your dogs visual cortex, also known as V1, transmits information to two primary pathways essential for vision; the dorsal stream and the ventral stream. It basically aids as a lubricating tool to enhance your dog's vision.

Yeast Infections:
Fish oil for dogs also helps to slow down the growth of the most common cause of yeast infections which usually attacks your dogs skin as well as their ears. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are often used for treatments of yeast infection and it only makes common sense that if they are successful in treating yeast infection, they would also be just as effective in preventing this painful infection.

Atopy is an allergy, but it is a form of allergy that is caused by your dog inhaling substances such as mold or pollen. There is a long held theory in the medical community that fatty acid supplements become deficient in mothers that have developed atopy. Once this occurs, it will naturally affect the entire litter. Since fish oil in dogs is by far and away the most powerful form of fatty acids, it is believed to aid in releasing several of the necessary acids to help build the immune system in the battle against this type of allergy.

Heart Problems:
There have been several documented cases where fatty acids high in fish oil have helped to correct and in several cases prevent ventricular arrhythmias in dogs. High blood pressure has also been reduced by utilizing fish oil for dogs. It has also been extremely effective in helping with anti-clotting effects on the platelets in dogs.

Triglycerides and cholesterol:
Fish oil for dogs is also extremely effective in one of the faster growing concerns for your pets overall health; high cholesterol levels. It is especially effective at reducing the levels of both triglycerides and cholesterol in your dogs blood. If your dog is undergoing any type of retinoid therapy, which is a form of synthetic vitamin A, fish oil helps to enhance the benefits and as a result, controls both the triglyceride and cholesterol levels.

Fish oil in dogs does much more than just providing a shine to your dogs coat; it is critical in several of their most important body function. Your dog could not survive with out fatty acids, and fish oil is the most potent form of fatty acid supplements. A few drops of fish oil daily in your dogs food or one daily supplement as recommended by your veterinarian could do wonders for your dogs overall health.

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